Cornwall for 3 days
At the end of my Easter Holidays, I visited Cornwall for a short break. We were staying near Penzance, and the coast offered for some great wildlife watching. Fulmar in Flight Friday 15th April After travelling down from Somerset, we decided to go straight to Land's End. Here, there were some incredible Fulmars, a Gannet, a Chough, a Black Redstart, huge numbers of Sand martin, House Nartin and Swallow, Shag, Cormorant, Manx Shearwater, Stonechat and Whinchat. Phew. The view was picture-perfect, and the sea, too, looked like someone had edited it, with a huge mix of green, blues and greys. Fulmars must take the award for the best fliers in the bird world. Travelling at great speeds, they manipulate the wind, allowing themselves to freefall, yet somehow always in perfect control! I noticed the Gannet out at sea from its large body, black wingtips contrasting the all-white body, and flight. The Manx Shearwater were far out, but there have been as many as 40,000 close in off ...